SI-UK is an international education agency focused solely on the UK higher education sector. SI-UK opened in Tokyo in 2006 and celebrates its 15th anniversary in 2021 with 72 offices in 35 countries. It
provides free advice and support to international students applying to study in the UK, for foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate courses and guides the student through every step of the application process for any UK university, language school or college. The agency helps students with university and course selection, scholarship research, accommodation, visa requirements and English
language support where needed.
In 2020 SI-UK helped 34,000 students across the globe with their applications to UK universities, schools and colleges and will have helped more than 50,000 in 2021. SI-UK works with all major UK universities including UCL who have appointed SI-UK as their only official agency partner anywhere in the world. It can thus advise students on the full range of options available for studying in the UK.
SI-UK has offices in 8 out of the top 10 growth markets for outgoing students and plans for rapid expansion, through the USA, South America, South Africa and MENA countries including 30 offices in
India by the end of 2022. SI-UK is widely recognised in the industry as one of the youngest, most dynamic, innovative and most successful student recruitment agencies and one that has made a significant impact on the sector in a very short space of time. Please see here for a full list of the SI-UK Global Offices (https://www.studyin-uk.com/contact/global-offices/) and here for a full list of the services available to students: https://www.studyin-uk.com/